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The Energy Trilemma: the evolving geopolitical landscape and the energy security-equity-sustainability nexus. How to preserve global stability and balance the trilemma?

Smart Transformation in the Energy Sector
Energy Policy Group's Summer School | 25 July - 2 August 2019, Bucharest, Romania

The energy sector is undergoing deep changes and it is critical, today, more than ever for energy professionals to understand the holistic transformation of the industry. To this purpose, the global trends on the energy markets and in policy making have to be well understood, in their mutually influencing dynamics and against the background of the energy sector’s greatest externality: global warming.

The Energy Trilemma: the evolving geopolitical landscape and the energy security-equity-sustainability nexus. How to balance the trilemma in a context of climate, systemic and governance volatility? 

Yana Popkostova, ECEGA | 2 August, 2019 | Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

Yana Popkostova, the founding director of the European Centre for Energy & Geopolitical Analysis and one of the World Energy Council's under-35 Future Energy Leaders, will be leading the discussion on the Energy Trilemma and provide critical insights on navigating the evolving landscape of risks for the energy sector.
DISCOVER MORE about the Energy Policy Group and the 2019 Summer School
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